Attention to Detail
Each delivery of barley from the farm is thoroughly checked before it is accepted into the maltings. The grain is visually matched to it’s purchase samples, and carefully analysed to ensure it’s specification meets our exacting standards.
There is no blue-print for our process, it proceeds according to continuous and regular visual inspections. This is how we achieve the high quality we boast. The character of our malts we attribute to our beautiful Grade 2* Listed malthouses!
Finally, our very new ‘state of the art’ Weishaupt powered kiln gives us the ability to produce a whole kaleidoscope of Pale and Speciality Malts. From ultra low colour (2 – EBC 515ml) which we name ‘Czech Malt’, across to a dark Munich (20 – EBC 515ml) which we call ‘Maltings Gold’, we have the ability to meet all brewers specifications.
We can create a single pallet of mixed malts, prepared, packed and stacked to our customers exact requirements. Further quality checks immediately follow while the malt sits on the pallet.
We continue to innovate, invest and educate to ensure the best for our brewery customers.

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