A Time-Honoured Process
Our handcrafted Distillers Malts are all made from Spring barley varieties, grown under contract, on farms best suited for the product.
We establish an ongoing dialogue with the growers from sowing right through to harvest. Prior to collection from the farm, fresh samples of the barley are drawn for micro-malting and ‘mashing-in’, in order to measure the extracts and colour, before we take delivery of the barley itself.

Steeping the Barley
The malting process begins with steeping the barley in water drawn from our own well, sunk deep into the aquifers directly below our malthouses. This water source, which we have been using for more than 160 years, maintains a stable year round temperature of 12C, perfect for steeping barley.

Premium and Provenance
Our Distillers Malts are unique products of outstanding quality. They stand apart from other malts, delivering a collection of added-value elements which specifically meet many customers’ perception of Premium and Provenance. This would appear to be imperative in today’s more inquisitive market place.

Dragging the floors
Once the ‘green malt’ is transferred to the germination floors, our maltsters continue to depend on the hand plough in order to gently ventilate the grains. Referred to as dragging the floors, they perform this task up to 4 times in every 24 hours.

Imperative to the Spirit
Along with the integrity of tradition, process and plant, we have an intellectual and fully integrated supply chain and a slow gentle process that exploits nature’s elements. It is the combination of all these features which, for the more discerning, makes our famous Warminster Malt Imperative to the Spirit