Our Management Team
Led by Robin Appel, the team adopts an all inclusive approach to marketing campaigns, order assimilation, production strategy and quality control. All enquiries are responded to immediately.
Left to right: Leam, Wendy, Avril, Robin & Jerry

Our Management team
The Warminster Maltings Craftsmen
Theirs is a hugely responsible role. They oversee the malt production 24/7, for which there is no blueprint. Every batch can demand a slight variation to the process.
This team is also our most versatile resource, undertaking much of the engineering and restoration work at the maltings.

Our Craftsmen
The Malt Men
Warminster Town FC, sponsored by Warminster Maltings, have been dubbed ‘the Maltmen’. As they thrash their way around the West Country, they have become valuable ambassadors, raising the profile of malt!