There is now a whole swathe of distilleries across England making English Whisky, and a generous proportion of them have chosen Warminster Malt.

Heritage & Craft
Part of our attraction could be that our maltings embodies a few of those elements that some of the most iconic Distilleries in Scotland portray as the identification of their heritage and craft.
We are talking about structures built of stone, pyramid kiln roofs – we have 4, and maltsters working the floors with malt mowers, hand ploughs and shovels.

Add to this Heritage barley varieties, the water and the wood, then there is one more element for a “full house”, and it is called ‘Terroir’.
‘Terroir’, which translates as “a sense of place”, differentiates barleys on account of their soil, topography and climate. We believe you should add both variety and husbandry to that list. Already Distilleries in the U.K. and the U.S. have identified the difference that ‘Terroir’ makes to the flavour of barleys, and this is now set to assume the same importance in whisky, as it does in wine.
Adapting & Perfecting
Distilling malts for English Whisky is an expanding part of Warminster Maltings’ portfolio (we are also attracting Distilling customers from all over the world). So, we are spending more time adapting and perfecting our skills for this sector. This includes engaging with outside professional help, as well as contributing everything we can to the promotion and publicity of English Whisky to the widest possible audience.